This is a 3rd generation language which mainly used as an instructional language.
Contribution to the modern programming languages:
1.        Introduced a new primitive data type ‘Character’ denoted as char in the programming language.

Ø  Program structure:
o   Single main block structure where all the subprograms were defined under that same block as nested levels as same as in ALGOL.

o   Two types of subprograms,
§  Functions
§  Procedures

Ø  Variable declaration:
Syntax is as follows,
                        <name> : <type>

Ø  Data types:
Declaration syntax is as follows,
<name> = <type>

Ø  Data structures:

Ø  Control structures:
For loop – loop variable was only incremented or decremented by one at a single time of the loop body execution.

Repeat – until loops and While – do loops are used – execution of indefinite iterations was possible.
Case statements are used.

Ø  Parameter passing mechanisms:

§  Pass by value
§  Pass by reference     

Strengths and Weaknesses:
§  More advance compared to the 2nd generation programming languages.
§  More focused on its efficiency and the simplicity.
§  Depth of the data structures can be extended up to any depth.

o   Difficult to understand the programs as the variables are declared far away from the place they are used.
o   Not possible to compile modules independently as the extensions are exist all over the program.


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